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Remote Desktop Protocol vs TeamViewer

Anyone who has ever wanted to access their computer remotely has probably heard of one of these programs.

The ability to control your computer from either the next room or on the other side of the world is useful when you cant bring your computer with you and you want to access work or media files when away from your computer.

With some sort of remote desktop program like Remote Desktop Protocol or TeamViewer you can control your computer as if you are sitting right behind it, using your mouse, screen, keyboard and anything attached to it like network drives, optical drives and printers.

So with so many choices to choose form every year, as of 2015 the top two contenders and most used remote desktop programs seem to be Microsofts Remote Desktop Protocol and TeamViewer. So whats the difference?


Teamviewer is probably the more preferred favourite for remote desktop into computers remotely.

Not only does it have a lot more features and functionality than remote desktop, it also does not require additional work over the network like router configuration and port forwarding.

You can choose whether to allow the person to remote desktop into the computer whenever they want or only when allocated with a new password every single time.

Unlike Windows Remote Desktop, Teamviewer works on Mac, PC, Linux, tablets and mobile devices.




Microsoft Remote Desktop

The great thing about Remote Desktop for windows is that it is built into most Windows computer automatically and depending what version of windows you have, it is just a matter of activating it.

It works great but lacks the extras that TeamViewer does.

What great feature about Remote Desktop is that it can use the same Username and Password automatically that you use to login to your computer when you are directly behind it.

So, if you change your Windows login username and password you can still login to Remote Desktop with the new credentials automatically.


Remote Desktop



Both these applications come with a high level of security, but like with anything on the internet when you open yourself up to the public and internet their is always the risk of someone trying to access it.

Both of the remote desktop programs have security built into them but you would have to configure them and set them up to the level you feel comfortable with.

I find Remote Desktop slightly faster than TeamViewer but I prefer TeamViewer over all. The speed of your computer and internet connections will dictate the speed and latency of access your remote desktop over the internet or (LAN) Local Area Network.

For extra security you can also run both these programs over a VPN (Virtual Private Network), at the expense of speed most likely.


Want to setup a Remote Desktop?

If you think you need a Remote Desktop solution please call Ross Rudall at Townsville Nerds on 0402807890.

Depending on what type of network you have and what you feel comfotable using, I am sure we can find a Remote Desktop solution to fit all your needs.

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