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Tag: Mac

Apple Mac help townsville

Bitdefender Virus Scanner for Mac

A lot of Apple Mac users will tell you they don’t need Antivirus programs on their computers and laptops because Mac computers don’t get viruses. This simply isn’t true and even Apple denied Macs get viruses until recently. Apple operating systems are designed on a very old stable system called Unix. Unix is incredibly versatile and secure, but not impenetrable.… Read more →

Windows 10 Upgrade townsville laptop computer man

Things to think about before installing Windows 10 – Part 2

Forced updates causing crashes With Windows computers 1 shoe does not fit all. But with Windows updates thats what you sometimes get and not being able to change what updates you want to receive can cause problems and conflicts between drivers and programs. A bad update that causes a conflict, specially regarding drivers can cause your computer to stop booting… Read more →

mac computer repairs in townsville nerds

Apple Mac Repairs in Townsville

Yes we do Apple Mac computer repairs. This includes Imacs, Macbooks, Macbook Pros and Macbook Air’s. Unlike Windows computers which include Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8, 8.1 and Windows 10, Apple computers use their very own operatign system call ed OSX. Currently OSX is 11 (Elcapitan). The software on your Mac is written differently than on your wWindows computer, so… Read more →

Command line weather for Macs

A friend just emailed me this command this morning and I think its a very cool, quick and easy way to see the weather on your Mac computer. Sure you can fire up your web browser, go to Google and type in the name of your city and weather, but this is more fun. If you would like to know… Read more →

Virtual Box Townsville Windows Mac

Running Windows on your Mac Computer

Microsoft Windows is an Operating System, not a computer program or application. It is the environment your PC users to navigate around in and access your programs, files, drives and applications. Most PC’s use some version of the Windows operating system such as Windows 7, 8, 8.1 or the new Windows 10. But every day more and more people are… Read more →

Apple Mac Imac Macbook repairs

Macs do get Viruses

I often get people ask me, “Should I use a mac, I heard they don’t get viruses”. I personally use a Apple Macbook Pro and I love it, but they are not for everyone. I think the operating system, hardware and most software for macs is far more superior than any other consumer grade computer or laptop. However, due to the… Read more →

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