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Website Crashing Mac and Iphones

For anyone who has a Mac computer or Apple Iphone there is a link going around on social networks and emails which crashes your computer when you click on it and go onto the website.

Although this is not a virus and does not damage to your computer or phone it does restart it unexpectedly which can be a pain if you are in the middle of something or have tabs open that you might not be able to get back.

How it works is you receive a link to a website called and even though it has the word crash in it, people just cant seem to stop themselves from clicking on it.

Safari is the native and main web browsing app made my Apple which comes on pretty much all Apple computing devices.

Once someone clicks on the link a javascript from within the website starts to run which crashes the web browser (safari) and phone, Macbook, Apple device etc.

Safari Crash Townsville Nerds

Like I said earlier this is not a virus even though it acts like one.

Most virus makers these days make viruses and software like spyware for financial gain but I guess there are those out there still who enjoy running havoc.

Malicious website and software makers are getting more clever by the say so you really need to keep your guard up.

Initially they made viruses and were easily able to infect peoples computers. Antivirus vendors soon put a stop to this with the release of applications like Norton and AVG.

Then they started tricking people into installing their baddies by offering them free music and movies etc.

Now it seems they are testing the waters by exploiting peoples curiosity. The name of the website actually tells people what will happen but it seems like we just cant help ourselves anyway.

Whats worse is a lot of people are covering the website name all together and sending it to other asking them to click on it just for kicks.

Most of this seems to be happing on Facebook.


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