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Tag: website

website help in Townsville

Four of the Best Free Wordpress Plugins

What is Wordpress Simply put, Wordpress is an online website creation platform or tool to make websites. Strictly speaking websites are made from computer code and did involve basic knowledge or programming language like HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) and PHP (Hypertext Preprocessor). Some really smart people got together and created a tools called Wordpress which basically allowed you to make… Read more →

website help in Townsville

Lets talk about Wordpress

What is Wordpress Wordpress is easily the most used, most accessible, web site development tool used by more websites than any other platform on the internet. Wordpress provides the platform for anyone to make their own websites, CMS (Content Management System, Online Store, Gallery or pretty much any other online presence you can think of. The great thing about Wordpress… Read more →

Why Your Website Needs HTTPS

Looking around the internet and coming across a lot of websites here in Townsville, its quite easy to notice that a lot of websites are still using the unprotected http over https.   HTTP stands for Hyper Text Transfer Protocol and is the way in which data is sent over the internet and between your web browser and website. This… Read more →

Can I get a Virus from Youtube

Every now and again I get a customer who believes Youtube put a Virus on their computer. Although it is not out of the realm of possibility, it is highly unlikely. Youtube is owned by Google, a very big and profitable internet company. Google makes a lot of its money through advertisements, they probably do not need to put a viruses on your… Read more →

Townsville Website Design

Why your business or service needs a website. If you have a business, organization or just you personally wish to market yourself or just get your message and advertisements out there for your town or the world to see, having a website is the perfect solution. How would you like a salesman who works, 24 hours a day, all over… Read more →

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