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Address: Idalia, Townsville Qld 4810

Guaranteed Improved Google Website Rankings

Townsville Nerds guarantees if you do not see any improvements on your Google results in the first 6 months or we will give you all of your money back.

We are so confident in our abilities we are prepared to offer all our customers a 100% money back guarantee if they do not see any improvements in their Google web rankings in the first 6 months.

Guaranteed Better Google Results in Townsville

To see any meaningful, long lasting results for your Google rankings takes time. Any fast trickery of Google will only result in your website being demoted of banned all together!


A little bit of background

The chances are if you are reading this post is because you found us in your search results at the top of Google somewhere.

You have some type of computer query and by searching for a particular search term such as, “Townsville Computer Repairs” you are bought to our page.

For that particular search term there are about 55,000 potential results for you to choose from. Townsville Nerds usually show up in the first two results for everything computer related to Townsville. Thats great because most people searching for something will only click on the results on the first search results page of Google.

Although it would be wonderful to live in a world where all you had to do was put up a webpage and just like that you are the first result on Google, it doesn’t actually work like that.

It takes time, lots of hard work and a little know how.

Have a look at the results for us below. We are first in every category!


Townsville Nerds and computer repairs in Townsville

How did we achieve these results? Lots of hard work and hard work in what Google are looking for. Done right!


How we get our customers search results higher

Everybody has their own theory on how to get webpages raked high and fast. Some people use tricks, others will fake results but most people just wait.

None of things will give you lasting results, and yes sometimes they will yield temporary results, most of the time it actually hurts your website. Google will eventually catch up to you and you will be penalised, probably forever.

Google do not tell the world how they decide to rank everyones website. It is probably one of the greatest kept secrets in business.

But we do know over time there are some very sound legal techniques Google looks for in every website to decide if your site is worth displaying earlier in the results. It doesn’t happen over night, but with the right consistent work will see your website promoted up the results.


Understanding the process

We or anybody else can not ask Google to put your results up.

Google through their billion dollar search algorithm use technology basked on secrets factors to determine where your website sits in their search results.

Google change this algorithm often to better combat people who game their system to get better results.

There are time and tested strategies that work good for getting better results in Google which most people do not want to do because it is lots of hard work and very time consuming.

Some websites will start showing better results in a couple of days and some will take many months depending what industry you are in, what keywords you target and what you competition is doing.


Money back guarantee

Townsville Nerds having been running since 1996. We aren’t going nowhere!

My name is Ross Rudall and I am from Townsville. I live here, all my family and friends are here and my name means everything to me.

I am so confident in my abilities to get your website better ranked in Google I am willing to offer a 100% money back guarantee if you do not see better results in 60 months. Usually it only takes a couple of weeks.

Getting websites ranked is a lot of hard work, so I wont take on your job unless I think I can do it. My time is too valuable to me!



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