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Address: Idalia, Townsville Qld 4810

Where to get my computer repaired in townsville

So your using your computer, checking some emails, talking on Facebook and all of the sudden you have a Blue Screen.

Turning your computer or laptop back on and off doesn’t seem to help. You are posed with the questions, with all these computer and laptop repair businesses, where to get my computer repaired in townsville?

I know I might sound bias but I think you should choose me!

Like I was going to say go somewhere else, but seriously here is why:

I believe your computer is an extension of you.  What you do in life and how you think can easily be identified by what you have on your computer, the sites you go to and the programs and applications you use.  You very rarely find the latest $120 3D computer game on someones computer or laptop over the age of 70.

Where to get my computer repaired in Townsville

The personal computer is exactly that; personal.  So when you are looking where to get your computer repaired in townsville you want someone who understands your computer is personal and private and treats it exactly so.

There are many computer repairs businesses in Townsville and for the past 20 years I have seen them all come and go.

May people ask, “Where can I get my computer repaired in Townsville“.  Tell them Townsville Nerds and Townsville computer repairs will come out to your home and business and give you a 100% free no obligation quote!

Some computer repairs businesses in Townsville last only a month, others a couple of years.  But there are few which have been around as long as I have, and there are even less who will continue to be around for years to come.

I grew up in Townsville and this is my home.  A lot of the computer repair businesses in Townsville have come up here from down south, hoping to make a quick buck and substantiate their huge prices due to their out of town support and subcontracting of local kids to do the work.

I am local.  I went to school in Townsville in the 80’s and 90’s and all my friends and all my family are here.  I care about my name and I care about my customers.  I don’t want to go to Stockland and have to hide my head.  With 9000 happy customers I can go anywhere in Townsville and hold my head up high.  I care about my customers and many of them have become friends over the years, some of them even come on holidays with me!

I love Townsville and I love my job and business!

So when you someone asks you, where to get my computer repaired in Townsville, I hope you will say Townsville Nerds.

Here is why you should choose us:


We don’t charge by the hour, we charge by the job and for your piece of mind we quote our jobs before we start work.  And all our onsite quotes are completely free and you are under no obligation to accept them.

No Call Out Fee – No Fix No Fee

If we can’t fix it, you shouldn’t have to pay for it.  That simple!  And we wont charge you a cent to travel out and do the work or to give you a 100% free no obligation quote.

Quick Service

We wont mess you around.  You need your computer repairs done as soon as possible.  We get in quickly, do the work and leave.  If it cant be done there and then we take it and work on it over night when you are asleep.


You can’t stay in business in a small place like Townsville for 15 years and not be trustworthy.  In fact being trustworthy is probably the main reason we have been in business for so long.  Things happen and no one is perfect, but having your customers trust is a sure fire way to keep getting all the repeat customers we do.

Please view some of our glowing reviews on our Google Plus page or the a review made by one of our happy customers Mrs McIntyre.


No one recommends business to other people who do not show up.  Sometimes we get caught up and will call you in advance to give you enough notice.  With 15 years of friendly service Townsville Nerds has made a name for itself as Townsville most reliable computer repairs service.

After Hours Service 

We don’t mind coming out to your business or home for after hours business. Some people charge more for this but we don’t.  We charge the same amount for everyone, no matter who they are, where they are or when we see them.


Although I am a Nerd I don’t talk like one.  All businesses have one thing in common and that is people.  I am here to serve you, not your computer.  I talk to my customers like they are people, not computers.  I wont use terms you wont understand and I will probably want to play with your dog while I am working.  I am a normal person!

Where to get my computer repairs done in townsville?

Call Ross Rudall at Townsville Nerds today and I will come out to your house for a 100% free no obligation quote! For all your computer repairs needs.

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