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Address: Idalia, Townsville Qld 4810

Category: Ransomware

townsville data recovery free quote

Townsville Data Recovery

Data recovery in Townsville is synonymous with costing a lot of money. Yes, recovering data is hard and time consuming, but with Townsville Nerds does not cost a lot of money. WE WILL GIVE YOU A 100% FREE NO OBLIGATION DIAGNOSIS AND QUOTE At Townsville Nerds, we will look at your hard drive or failed device which you would like… Read more →

Wireless security Townsville

Port Forwarding

What are Ports When accessing the internet, your computer most likely has a private and public IP address.  Your IP address (Internet Protocol) is a unique address assigned to your network which distinguishes you from every other computer/network on the internet. Loosely speaking, when you request a web page in your browser such as, your computer sends a request… Read more →

Computer Turned Off When Using

It can be pretty scary. You are sitting there using your computer when all of the sudden the whole thing turns off and doesn’t turn back on. Everything you have is saved on the computer, you have probably lost what you were in the middle of what you are doing and you don’t backup. Don’t panic, Townsville Nerds can help.… Read more →

Speed Test

What’s Blocking My Internet

No body likes slow internet. But yet, even with the massive amounts of money being spent on technology, communications the NBN etc. Are lot of us are still getting slow internet. But even though its easy to just blame the telecommunications companies, its not always there fault. The first thing you need to do when you have slow internet on… Read more →


Windows 10 Not Assigning Drive Letters to External Drives Automatically

With every Windows 10 update there are a lot of improvements. Not just features, but also little bug which annoy people. But for someone reason this little persistent one keeps sticking around. Usually it just works. You plug your external USB or hard drive into your computer and Windows 10 automatically makes it show up in your computer with a… Read more →

More scams in Townsville 2016

Antivirus Phone Number

This post is about another scam going around hitting a lot of people in Townsville. It comes in many different colours and skins, but it all amounts to the same thing. Getting you to pick up the phone and give your credit card details to someone who is not a real antivirus company and who will install software on your… Read more →


Viruses in Emails

The majority of viruses, malware, spyware and ad-ware we see on peoples computers is stuff they have accidentally installed themselves, by downloading and installing software associated with free; such as games and movies etc. But there are many other ways for your computer to get a virus, email being one of the big ones. Can I get a Virus from… Read more →

Ransomware removal

RansomWhere Monitors Macs for Ransomware

The old Apple Mac Computer gets left out of a lot of Virus, Malware, Spyware and Ransomware conversations. Over the years the OSX operating system has become renowned for its security and ability to stay safe against viruses. This of course was not true. Apple Mac computers are not immune to all of the above but due the seciruty built… Read more →

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