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Tag: data

where can i get data recovery done in townsville

Recovering Data from Ransomware

What is Ransomeware Ransomeware is a new type of malicious software the last few years which does infect your computer but rather than trying to destroy your system so you can use it, spy on you to get details or just be a menace, Ransomware focussing on holding your files hostage until you pay them. The big problem with this… Read more →

My Computer Does Not Open PDF’s

What are PDF’s PDFs were invented by Adobe and stands for Portable Document Format and is one of the main file types used for people and organisation who want to distribute files. Why PDF’s are particularly possible and very useful is they can be used and look the same by pretty much all devices, including, computers, laptops and mobile devices.… Read more →

Help recovering data in Townsville

Can You Get Data Off My Hard Drive – Data Recovery Townsville

How HDD (Hard Disk Drives Work) There are new types of technology and computer hard drives coming out all the time. But for the longest time most and still as of 2018 most are still the old hard disk drive. The way they work is basically like an old record player. There is an arm, head and platters, which spin… Read more →

Causes of Loss of Data and Recovery Options

One of the worst thing which can happen on your computer is the loss of important data. Sometimes it’s easy to get back and other times it is impossible. Its easy to blame the old computer virus for the loss of your important information, but there are really many ways and reasons you are going to need data recovery in… Read more →

Different Types Of Hard Drive Formats

Formats can mean a lot of different things, in a lot of different industries. Even within the realms of computers, it can have a whole bunch of different meanings depending on what its pertaining to. So before we get into it, I want to address this post is about hard drive formats, including USB, external, Sold State Drives and thumb… Read more →

data recovery townsville

Different Types of Hard Drives and Data Recovery Townsville

Your hard drive is the part of the computer which stores the information such as the operating system (Windows, Linux or OSX), programs and personal files like photos, music, video and documents. The CPU (Central Processing Unit) usually gets referred to as the brain of the computer because it does the thinking, but the hard drive is just as important… Read more →

Recovering Data from a Computer with Black Screen

Seeing your computer screen go black and not be able to turn it back on can be a frightening experience. Although the expensive is always in the back of your mind of having to get your computer repaired or replaced, the biggest worry most people face is, are you able to recover your data; photos, music, documents, tax information etc?… Read more →

how do i get my files of a computer with broken screen

Recovering Data Off Laptop With Broken Screen

Just because you have a broken screen or your computer is not turning on, doesn’t mean you have to loose all your precious data such as emails, word documents, PDF’s, photos, music and movies. A lot of the time it is simply not worth repairing your computer. If the costs are too high to repair your computer, we let you… Read more →

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