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Tag: laptop

townsville computer repairs nerds ics

Share Your Internet from Windows 10

Most people either have some sort of modem, router or wireless device they use to access the internet these days. Gone are the days we used one connection per computer, or everyone had their own dial up connection. For most people the will definitely be the way to go, but every now and again people find themselves in a situation… Read more →

data recovery townsville

Different Types of Hard Drives and Data Recovery Townsville

Your hard drive is the part of the computer which stores the information such as the operating system (Windows, Linux or OSX), programs and personal files like photos, music, video and documents. The CPU (Central Processing Unit) usually gets referred to as the brain of the computer because it does the thinking, but the hard drive is just as important… Read more →

beeping computer repairs townsville codes

Why Is My Computer Beeping

If one day you turn your computer on and it doesn’t start properly and all you can hear if your computer beeping. there is most likely a hardware problem. Putting your ears to the speaker will determine if the beeping noise is coming from inside the actual computer or from the speakers. In most cases the beeping will be coming… Read more →

Recovering Data from a Computer with Black Screen

Seeing your computer screen go black and not be able to turn it back on can be a frightening experience. Although the expensive is always in the back of your mind of having to get your computer repaired or replaced, the biggest worry most people face is, are you able to recover your data; photos, music, documents, tax information etc?… Read more →

townsville computer running slow

Power Settings Slowing Windows 10

Windows 10 is notorious slow. You only have to mention Windows 10 to anyone and the first thing they will tell you is since they have upgraded from Windows 8 or Windows 7, their computer has been running very slow. Modern, faster better computers with Solid State Hard Drives do run much better with Windows 10 on them. But even… Read more →

townsville data recovery free quote

Townsville Data Recovery

Data recovery in Townsville is synonymous with costing a lot of money. Yes, recovering data is hard and time consuming, but with Townsville Nerds does not cost a lot of money. WE WILL GIVE YOU A 100% FREE NO OBLIGATION DIAGNOSIS AND QUOTE At Townsville Nerds, we will look at your hard drive or failed device which you would like… Read more →

Linux Operating System Townsville

Common Ubuntu Annoyances

Linux is a great alternative to Windows. Not only is it getting a lot easier to use than it once was, it is no longer just reserved for computer enthusiasts and people who need servers. Linux is known for being robust, stable and secure. Although there are always exceptions to the rule, Linux is a lot of these thing; but… Read more →

Speed Test

What’s Blocking My Internet

No body likes slow internet. But yet, even with the massive amounts of money being spent on technology, communications the NBN etc. Are lot of us are still getting slow internet. But even though its easy to just blame the telecommunications companies, its not always there fault. The first thing you need to do when you have slow internet on… Read more →

how do i get my files of a computer with broken screen

Recovering Data Off Laptop With Broken Screen

Just because you have a broken screen or your computer is not turning on, doesn’t mean you have to loose all your precious data such as emails, word documents, PDF’s, photos, music and movies. A lot of the time it is simply not worth repairing your computer. If the costs are too high to repair your computer, we let you… Read more →

data recovery laptop townsville

Why Does Your Hard Drive Fail?

Hard drives failing, including external and the type of hard drive inside your computer can be one of the worst things to happen to your computer or laptop. TOWNSVILLE NERDS WILL GIVE YOU A – SAME DAY – FREE – NO OBLIGATION QUOTE AND DIAGNOSIS Its one thing to have something go wrong with your computer and have to buy… Read more →

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