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Address: Idalia, Townsville Qld 4810

Category: Apps

Computer software conflicts

Conflicting Software Issues

Although there are many parts and different types of software and hardware on your computer,  the two main parts people mostly refer to are hardware and software. Hardware the physical components you can touch like your motherboard, hard drive, mouse, monitor, keyboard, memory and so on.   What is Software Software can be anything from the operating system you are using such… Read more →

Townsville laptop computer man

What is Social Media

Everyone has heard of, most of us use it, but what exactly is the buss with all this social media going around? Although Social Media is not specific to computers or laptops, and can be accessed by pretty much any internet connected device like mobile phone, tablet and smart watch, it still gets bought up a lot and a lot… Read more →

Townsville Password Recovery

Goodbye 1Password, Hello LastPass

Most people who know me, or read my posts will tell you I have been a long time endorser of the paid password manager, 1Password. Password managers are computer programs that do just that. Most of us have 100’s of passwords now,pretty much for every site we have visited. Every site has different rules about how long our passwords should… Read more →

internet townsville help emails

Understanding the Internet

Speaking to a lot of people in Townsville, after all these years there still seems to be a lot of confusion about what the internet is and it not. Some people think email is the internet and others thing it is a webpage or Google. All these things are close, but probably not close enough. The internet is made up of… Read more →

Townsville Laptop-computer-man

Difference Between VOIP and PTSN

What is PTSN PTSN stands for Public Switched Telephone Network, and before the internet became mainstream was the old telephone type system we have and still use a lot in our homes and business. If you have seen the old movies where someone sits at a desk switching telephones together from calls inbound and connecting to calls outbound you have… Read more →

Townsville computer repairs Nerds

Helpful Netflix

Although Townsville Nerds is primarily a computer repair business and website, every now and again I come across something from my customers which I think is a great idea and I would like to share. If you don’t already have Netflix you should seriously think about getting it. Netflix is basically a website or app depending on how you are… Read more →

Gmail Help email townsville

Google’s Gmail Android app and Exchange

What is Google Gmail Android App For the majority of people using smart phones, there are 2 giants in the market. The Iphone which is made by Apple which uses the IOS operating system and Android phones which is made by countless other companies which use Googles operating system named Android. Within the Android operating system you can download millions of different… Read more →

Helpful Computer Apps #1

Every week or two I am going to start reviewing useful apps I either use or come across. Everybody knows about the basics like Google Chrome or Microsoft Office, but there are a lot of good programs both free and paid for out there that are worth taking a look at.   Evernote If you are looking for a notepad/word processor that… Read more →

Google Chrome Protection

Google Warns You of Fake Download Buttons

Have you ever gone to a website to download a specific file only to find out all the download, or most a fake. You have to click on every download link until one of them actually work and you get the file you came for. Some a viruses, some are adware but the majority are just getting you tow download… Read more →

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