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Category: Security

Windows Installer Service Problems

What is the Windows Installer Service Like the name suggests this is a service used by your operating system used to install, maintain and uninstall software and application you want on your computer. Not to be confused with the installation process of the operating system itself. Since Windows 7, the installer now comes built into your operating system and can… Read more →

Safe Mode Windows

I can, but should I upgrade my Operating System?

When a new Operating System comes out, everyone is quick to think it must be the best because it is the latest and greatest. Most times after a little use people end up realising it wasn’t a whole lot different than the old. New operating systems like Windows 10 will always have if not completely new, some different features. Of… Read more →


5 Reasons Your Email Might Not Be Working

One of the most common problems people call us for, whether its a school, big organisation or home user is email problems. Email are one of the oldest yet still most used and trusted ways to communicate on the internet. You do need internet to send and receives emails and some people have internet problems and in turn affects their… Read more →

Computer Not Starting After Update

Updates are suppose to make everything work better on your computer or laptop and most of the time they do. But sometimes it just doesn’t go all to plan. It can be be quite scary for a technological point of view when your computer asks to to an update or upgrade. There are so many programs on your computer. Do… Read more →

Wireless security Townsville

Port Forwarding

What are Ports When accessing the internet, your computer most likely has a private and public IP address.  Your IP address (Internet Protocol) is a unique address assigned to your network which distinguishes you from every other computer/network on the internet. Loosely speaking, when you request a web page in your browser such as, your computer sends a request… Read more →

Consider Using FreeBSD For Home Server

Why do I need a home server Servers are no longer reserved for the business, colleges and organisation. There are a million reasons why you could want a personal home server for you house. Whether you just want to share media files over the network to other computers to share photos and movies, or if its just to back up… Read more →


High Sierra Secrets Part 1

High Sierra is he latest Apple Mac Operating system from Apple. OSX can be downloaded free from the Apple Appstore for all eligible Mac computers such as Imac, Macbook, Macbook Pro and Macbook Airs. Apple are very proactive in their operating system releases and seem to come out with them frequently. Most of the time these releases work very well.… Read more →

Linux Operating System Townsville

Common Ubuntu Annoyances

Linux is a great alternative to Windows. Not only is it getting a lot easier to use than it once was, it is no longer just reserved for computer enthusiasts and people who need servers. Linux is known for being robust, stable and secure. Although there are always exceptions to the rule, Linux is a lot of these thing; but… Read more →

townsville computer repairs

Your Website Needs Cloudflare

You may have heard of Cloudflare before. It is not unlikely you’ve gone to a website in the past, only to find it is down or seen a Cloudflare web page instead. Cloudfare is an online web company which basically sits between you (proxy) and your websites customers. So when people viewing your website, they are actually going through Cloudflare… Read more →

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