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Address: Idalia, Townsville Qld 4810

Category: Security

computer virus townsville

Which is the best Antivirus for you

People ask me all the time which is the best antivirus program for their Microsoft Windows computer. This is probably the hardest question to answer, as there is no one shoe fits all strategy here. There is a clear difference in what anti-viruses corporate businesses should use who host web sites, servers and data sets. But when it comes to… Read more →

Windows 10 Disk Usage

Windows 10 has been around for a while now and we can assume all this time a lot of the bugs will have sorted out. Although having the Windows 10 operating system on your computer or laptop is proving to have a lot of security benefits, we still seem to be having the constant problems we had a lot of… Read more →

Web Browser Alterntaives

Alternative Web Browsers

Computing has changed over the years. I remember when it use to take a few minutes for an image to load and there was no internet banking or social networking. Now everything is instant, or pretty close to it; we do a lot more on our computers and internet, using multiple services, multiple applications and multiple web browsers all at… Read more →


Viruses in Emails

The majority of viruses, malware, spyware and ad-ware we see on peoples computers is stuff they have accidentally installed themselves, by downloading and installing software associated with free; such as games and movies etc. But there are many other ways for your computer to get a virus, email being one of the big ones. Can I get a Virus from… Read more →

Stop Viruses Townsville

Adblockers – Best Way to Defend Against Viruses

Anyone who follows my blog will know I am not a great fan of antivirus programs. It’s just I see dozens of computers every month with viruses and they all have some sort of Anti-virus Malware type protection on them. I don’t think they are anywhere as good as they should be and all my customers are certainly under the… Read more →

email scams

Different Types of Hacks

Hacking is such an old fashioned generic term which to the public meant something like a teenage boy in his basement, trying to get onto a government computer and start a war. When in real life most computer programmers hack away at their computer, writing code. There not only seems to be a lot misconception not only what hacking is,… Read more →

Ransomware removal

RansomWhere Monitors Macs for Ransomware

The old Apple Mac Computer gets left out of a lot of Virus, Malware, Spyware and Ransomware conversations. Over the years the OSX operating system has become renowned for its security and ability to stay safe against viruses. This of course was not true. Apple Mac computers are not immune to all of the above but due the seciruty built… Read more →

Townsville computer repairs wireless

Wireless Security Townsville

When we are talking about wireless security, the subject can get very deep and dependent on the type of networks we are talking about, what the network does and the amount of money you invested into the infrastructure. For this purpose I am going to be talking about the wireless security for the every day person and how the security… Read more →

Ubuntu Linux Townsville

Ubuntu Security Patches

The great thing about Linux and my personal flavour Ubuntu, is the security and piece of mind you get with this type of open source operating system. People ask me all the time, “Is it true, Macs don’t get viruses?” And the answer is no. Less people use Macs so there are a lot less viruses out there which attack it… Read more →

Remote Desktop TeamViewer

Remote Access Your Computer with Teamviewer

Being able to access your home or work computer from another location, including your phone can be a very valuable recourse. Whether its because you constantly need to check something on your computer like downloads or messages, or its a one off where you have forgot something for work or study and don’t want to travel all the way back and… Read more →

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