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Category: Update

Computer Turned Off When Using

It can be pretty scary. You are sitting there using your computer when all of the sudden the whole thing turns off and doesn’t turn back on. Everything you have is saved on the computer, you have probably lost what you were in the middle of what you are doing and you don’t backup. Don’t panic, Townsville Nerds can help.… Read more →

Apple Mac Imac Macbook repairs

Apple Mac Wont Upgrade OSX

Computer operating systems are very complicated and technical pieces of software. Unlike most computer software and apps which sit on top and get installed within your operating like Windows, OSX and Linux; Operating systems are responsible for being part of the computer which allows you talk to the physical hardware and components of your computer. I like to think of… Read more →

Windows 10 Disk Usage

Windows 10 has been around for a while now and we can assume all this time a lot of the bugs will have sorted out. Although having the Windows 10 operating system on your computer or laptop is proving to have a lot of security benefits, we still seem to be having the constant problems we had a lot of… Read more →

linux computer operating system commands

Linux Updates Commands

Email from customer: Hi Ross, I am still having a tonne of fun with Linux and am learning new and interesting stuff everyday. Although everyone said it was a big learning curve I haven’t found it to be a lot of trouble. There was one questions though. I am doing regular updates because I like to keep my system up… Read more →

Apple Mac Imac Macbook repairs

Mac Repairs Townsville

Apple has always lead the ways in technology and computing. Although Apple didn’t event the computer, you can thank them for bringing them into your home, small business and pocket (iPhone). As awesome as the Apple technology is (Im a big fan), Apple do try and lock a lot of us out on what hardware can be sourced, and what… Read more →


New Computer Running Slow

You’ve just bought a new computer, with the latest processor, heaps of memory and a fast hard drive. It should be running super fast, but it still takes a while to start up, login and get to what your doing. Your left wondering why. Well the chances are you didn’t buy a dud. In fact, even a 3 years old… Read more →

Ubuntu Linux Townsville

Ubuntu Security Patches

The great thing about Linux and my personal flavour Ubuntu, is the security and piece of mind you get with this type of open source operating system. People ask me all the time, “Is it true, Macs don’t get viruses?” And the answer is no. Less people use Macs so there are a lot less viruses out there which attack it… Read more →


No Signal No Display

A common problem with computer, specially desktop computers is hearing the computer boot up bot not seeing anything on the screen. It’s easy to think the computer is still working when you don’t hear anything on the screen but you can still hear it ticking over, but that is usually not the case. Just because the computer has electricity running through… Read more →

Safe web browsing Townsville

Brave Web Browser

If you are sick of surfing the internet and being bombarded with advertisements, slow browsing speeds and your privacy being jeopardized, the new Brave Web Browser might be for you. The internet has changed a lot over the years. To begin with it was slow, so users weren’t really looking for a new web browser because it didn’t matter what… Read more →

IE 11

No more updates for older versions of Internet Explorer

As of the 12th of January 2016 Microsoft will no longer support older versions of Internet Explorer including versions, 8,9 and 10. Internet Explorer is one of the oldest web browsers used for searching and using the internet to look at web pages.  A lot of people still have older versions of I.E. on their computer due to older Operating… Read more →

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